
Gradual metamorphosis from city slickers to country bumpkins

Kohlrabi in the kitchen July 30, 2012

This one’s for you Sandy!
I can’t remember encountering Kohlrabi in our household unless I take into account Bansi uncle’s delicious kohlrabi pickle which to date features high on the list of the Berry Sisters all time favourite munchies.

Infact who better than my health fanatic husband to introduce me Kohlrabi culinary possibilities. Just this morning, after yanking out the sky high weeds in my kitchen garden and thereby purging myself of all accumulated guilt over not having the time to nurture my lovelies owing to a full house of guests (never a bad thing), I harvested half a dozen of these tennis ball size beauties to make this:

The Kovacs Gabor Kohlrabi Creation

Kohlrabi peeled and Sliced into disks (Gabor prefers to peel and cube while I like to invoke the image of watercress)
Fresh Ginger root slivered as much as you like, but don’t make a meal out of it!
1 tsp Mustard seeds
1 tbsp dijon mustard
Salt to taste
Olive oil
1 cup water approximately

Heat the oil in a saucepan. Splutter the mustard seeds and then add the ginger. Stir for a minute or so. Then add the kohlrabi disks or cubes and stir. Take the dijon mustard and beat into the water. Add this mixture into the saucepan. In goes the salt. Cover and simmer on a low heat till the kohlrabi is cooked. I prefer my kohlrabi to be crunchy so I cook it long enough for the kohlrabi to absorb the flavor but not long enough for it to soften. You might prefer it the other way around. And don’t be afraid to play around with mustard quantities. Trust your tastebuds, they do not necessarily function the same way as mine!

Water quantity would depend on how “wet” you like your kohlrabi. Et voila! Serve with some lovely steamed jasmine rice and you have Gabor’s version of a fragrant and watery nose inducing heaven on your plate!

Happy eats y ‘all. Tell me how it goes…..