
Gradual metamorphosis from city slickers to country bumpkins

Yes, but what DO you do? July 29, 2012

Filed under: The Story of Us — Rohini Berry @ 7:49 pm

Growing up in middle class India at a time when I did, there were but three honourable occupations or so it seemed.  Doctor, lawyer, engineer.  Box yourself into any one of these and you were a mystery or a misfit no more.  People found it easy to relate to you, to understand your thought process and plain and simple “got” you.

Needless to say I didn’t need much encouragement to follow a path not often tread. I picked a vocation in arts but somehow over the years I found myself neatly boxed into an acceptable, even admirable 9am-5pm career.  Ask me what I did for a living and I had a job and a title ready to supply.

A few years and a couple detours down the road and I find myself suddenly at a loss for words when encountering with the “Yes, but what DO you do” s??

Lets see, first and foremost we raise our child, we tend to our land – its flora and fauna, we run a guest house and that would include doing all the cooking and cleaning ourselves, no hired help here.  We are enthusiastic participants in the farmers market come weekends, we come up with mad schemes to promote our culinary kills and our wine, we dabble in photography, we travel when time permits and when we have a moment to breathe during our 5am-9pm days we, well, breathe, and ask ourselves if this life is for real.

So if you can dream up some all encompassing box and label for all that is life a la Sargahaz, do clue me in.  The girl is speechless for once.


2 Responses to “Yes, but what DO you do?”

  1. R. D. Says:

    You are Horticulturists. This word, I’m sure it exists, it has to – spelled differently perhaps.
    You are plant & Life Horticulturists. You ‘tend’ to living plants AND people. You are ‘crafting’ a life out of it. You create. You nurture. You mould. You provide (food & wine). You play with dirt! Horticulturists.

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